Download and Configure Playbook

You may need to add your github info, if you haven't already. This may require the creation of a new "Personal Access Token".

1) clone repository with ansible playbooks and checkout branch with the network name you want to join (e.g. core for mainnet and sokol for testnet)

git clone
cd deployment-playbooks
# for core mainnet
git checkout core
# OR for sokol testnet
git checkout sokol
# check that you ended up on a correct branch (look where the `*` is)
git branch

2) prepare files with ssh keys

cat ~/.ssh/ > files/
cp files/ files/

3) create file with configuration settings:

cat group_vars/ group_vars/validator.example > group_vars/all

4) to choose subnet run the following command

aws ec2 describe-subnets

select any subnet with "State": "available" and non-zero "AvailableIpAddressCount". You need to copy/save "SubnetId" of this subnet for later use.

5) open group_vars/all and edit the following configuration options:

nano group_vars/all

Make the following edits:

  • access_key - your AWS "Access Key ID"

  • secret_key - your AWS "Secret Access Key"

  • awskeypair_name - name of ssh keypair you uploaded on AWS (by default id_rsa)

  • vpc_subnet_id - insert "SubnetId" that you chose. The next line should look like this:

    vpc_subnet_id: "subnet-..."
  • NODE_FULLNAME - enter your full name (this will be visible to other members of the network)

  • NODE_ADMIN_EMAIL - enter your public email (this will be visible to other members of the network)

  • NETSTATS_SERVER - this should be a url provided to you by the Master of Ceremony

  • NETSTATS_SECRET - this should be a secret code provided to you by the Master of Ceremony

  • MINING_KEYFILE - insert content of your mining keystore file. Resulting value should be enclosed in single quotes and look similar to this:

    MINING_KEYFILE: '{"address":"..."}'
  • MINING_ADDRESS - insert your mining key address, e.g.

    MINING_ADDRESS: "0x..."
  • MINING_KEYPASS - insert your mining key's passphrase

  • please double-check with Master of Ceremony on what is the current Block Gas Limit in the network and compare it to the value in BLK_GAS_LIMIT option. Default is currently set as "BLK_GAS_LIMIT: "8000000".

  • allow_validator_ssh - leave this value set to true if you plan to access your node over ssh later

  • allow_validator_p2p - set this value to true to make your node discoverable by peers

  • associate_validator_elastic_ip - set this to true if you want to configure AWS Elastic IP for this node

6) examine values in image and region properties. If your AWS region doesn't match the one in region you need to replace region with the correct one and select image from this list

Open this page, scroll down, choose your region from the first ("Zone") dropdown list, choose xenial from the second ("Name") dropdown list and hvm:ebs-ssd from the fifth ("Instance type"). This should limit you to a single option, copy value from "AMI-ID" column and paste it in image property.

7) you may also choose a different value for the validator_instance_type. For region: "us-east-2" we recommend using m4.xlarge. Confirm your option of the types of instances available in your region,via:

Continue to Deployment

Last updated

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